VMCV - Website redesign and creation of a cartographic platform
The public transport company VMCV (Vevey-Montreux-Chillon-Villeneuve) contributes to the harmonisation of transport in the Vaud Riviera region and to the development of sustainable ecology. Passengers are at the heart of VMCV's concerns. The company is attentive to their needs and provides an attractive service that complements private traffic. Over the last few years, the company has invested in modern, high-performance infrastructures and resources.
In order to keep up with its evolutionary phases, in 2020 VMCV felt the need to update its digital environment in order to improve its online presence. The idea for VMCV was to modernise its website in terms of image and to add specific relevant services for the customers. The company expressed a clear desire to make its website a useful tool for online visitors and not just an informative/showcase website, as it was the case until then.
Web DevelopmentWeb DesignConceptionDigital StrategyNeeds definitionWeb & App DevelopmentMaintenance & Support
VMCV called on our services in 2020, with the initial need to redesign only a part of the existing website which was obsolete both technically and in terms of content. After various workshops and collaboration sessions with the client, we defined together that the project framework had to be broader to serve 3 main objectives:
- Reconcile the needs and interests of daily travellers and tourists.
- Offer customers a quick and easy way to search for routes and consult bus timetables
- Renew the image of the website
The challenge of this project was above all technical, with the task of displaying the geographical data in a clear and accessible way for the user. A large amount of data had to be organised and configured - about 500 bus stops, 16 lines with 2 directions each! The challenge was to address the compatibility issues between these different data sources, while optimally displaying the necessary content.

Our approach
As our main goal was to make bus timetables and bus itineraries available online for users, we researched and used existing technologies to facilitate and customise access those relevant information.
Due to the large number of information and data sources required for this complex cartographic project, we had to develop a hybrid, tailor-made web solution that would allow us to validate the compatibility of the information available, to assemble it and finally to display it in the most efficient way to the user.
We have developed a tool that is both flexible enough to allow data administrators to make any changes quickly and easily, and also which offer users the most relevant and necessary features for their daily searches.
In order to make the customer journey as pleasant as possible, we worked with an iterative process throughout the project to continuously test and adjust the ease of user interaction with the interface (UX).

By creating a tailor-made solution for VMCV, we were able to offer a platform worthy of the name to their customers. Thanks to the technology selected, the user-oriented approach and the working methodology adapted to VMCV's conditions, the project was able to be implemented quickly and efficiently.
The collaboration between VMCV and Marvelous made the website more modern and above all more practical for the users. The tedious but necessary implementation of searching solutions for available routes and timetables now greatly facilitates the daily life of travellers. Indeed, the platform has become more interactive and real-time geolocation now makes it possible to suggest the nearest bus stop with just a few clicks.

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